Dr. N. Puvaneswari, M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.,

E.mail.Id: : [email protected]


Dr. N. Puvaneswari, the prolific professional, has got 34 years of teaching experience in Arts and Science College of education. She started her career as a Lecturer in APA College for Women, Palani and worked as the Controller of Examinations at APA College for Women, Palani. She has organized and attended many short term programmes sponsored by the UGC. She has awarded “Young Women Scientists Fellowship Award-2004” by the Government of Tamil Nadu. She has been awarded with “Biotechnology Overseas Associateship Award-2005” awarded by Department of Biotechnology, Government of India, Ministry of Science & Technology, New Delhi and carried out her Research work at Genome Institute of Singapore, Singapore. She has published many National and International papers and guides the research scholars. She motivates students to organize and engage in various activities through Training and Placement cell and Entrepreneurs cell. She has organized many motivational programmes for the staff and students. With relentless efforts, she strives for the progress of the institution and guides the staff in accomplishing the vision of being a centre for technical and academic excellence. In all her activities she kindles the curiosity of the students to achieve more by their smart work. Each year our institution steps forward by securing two fold results than the previous semester.